Things to keep in mind before buying a home near a Temple

Things to keep in mind before buying a home near a Temple

Having a home for oneself is a lifetime achievement that is also a person’s only big dream which costs him his arm and leg. Besides this, every brick

Having a home for oneself is a lifetime achievement that is also a person’s only big dream which costs him his arm and leg. Besides this, every brick and each gram of cement that is used in building a home is only the outcome of the owner’s every single penny that is saved.  Agree? This is especially in the case if a middle-class man.

Well, such a dream and big project of a conman needs to have erupted with keen planning and flawless construction.  Do you think this is all just needed? Of course not enough.  Sometimes, we may overlook key issues that turn out to be the things if utmost importance which even could change the date of our living and lifestyle.

Having a home near a temple’ is one of the top of such a list.

Is it good or bad?

Unknowingly, or out of innocence and sheer misguidance sometimes,  we ignore the fact that not always an own house near a temple can bestow benefits on us.

Why so?

Our vacation experts and believers stress it on the fact that having a house in a certain direction nearer to a temple is not good whereas in some cases,  a temple that is located in few directions near to one’s own house can yield great fortunes.

East or West

Well, if your house happens to be very beside or around any temple, and if you experience any kind of wealth or health issues and lack of harmony in your house, that might be because the temple is in the east or north direction to your house.

Contrarily,  a temple to the west or south direction to a house brings forth positive energy, abundance of strength to the members of it.


Ensure that you have your house at least at a distance  of 25 meters to the temple’s entrance

Never ever take it for granted when the shadow of the temple or its Tower falls on your building.  What is a popular belief that such kinds of houses only turn out to be a big bane for the owners.

Make sure that the entrance of your house does not face the gate of the temple nor its main entrance.

Also, keep in mind that your residence’s or building’s height should not be more than that of the temple.

Vastu experts vehemently suggests not to have houses facing certain God’s like Bhadrakali or Shiva as they are believed to be the gods of terrible forces.

Only for the well-being of mankind

Well, readers, we believe in God and we immensely out faith in him to hinder any negative forces that could destroy our well being. So, such an exceptional and supreme power should be offered a place of significance without human intervention round the clock. And that is why our ancient Shastra experts and gurus have put forth these set of rules.

So on a concluding note, we emphasize that you hire a vacation expert and take notes of everything needed if you happen to have your house on the premises of any temple under unavoidable circumstances.